Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Elliott Brood - September 17, 2008

Last fall, I wrote about Elliott Brood at Louis' pub and here I am at 2am on a Tuesday night writing about them again. It's true, in a mere 3.5 hours, I must rise to bring community radio to the people of Saskatoon. And I do this all for the love of music. I know that others make the same sacrifice and it's worth it!

Every time I see this band, they get better and better. Their sound is getting more refined and their vocals with more depth. Tonight they gave us a taste of the ukulele collaboration, which will bring peace to the world, as opposed to the banjo duel, which brings competition and war. It's a Canadian thing, I guess. They gave the crowd a ridiculous number of rhythm instruments in the form of baking pans and tambourines so that we could all yell "HEYHEYHEY HEEEEEEY" during "Write It All Down For You" in unison. They played a long, awesome set and thanked us many times for staying on a Tuesday night. Where else would we have been?

In my last review I wrote, "The next time any of these bands comes through town NOT on a Sunday, I expect the place to be packed, which would be a shame because it was great to have so much room to dance and rock out to these amazing bands." This time Amigo's was fairly full and we still had room to dance and bang on our pans. I'm glad it worked out for everyone.

Crystal's rating: 9.5/10


Chris said...

You get to play some fantastic music on your show: DCFC, Josh Ritter, Black Keys, Arcade Fire - do you have complete control over the playlist?

Thanks for your comment about my Elliott Brood review on my music blog - much appreciated.

Crystal said...

I do have control over my playlist. However, I have to play 50% Canadian content (although I usually play much more than that) and CFCR promotes independent musicians.

Crystallize your Wednesday Mornings!

Crystallize your Wednesday Mornings!
Thanks to Olivia for creating this!