Wednesday, March 7, 2012

March 7 Playlsit!

Artist - Song - Album (year of release, extra information)
* = Canadian

Sarah Slean* - Day One - Day One
Regina Spektor - The Calculation - Far
Serena Ryder* - Weak in the Knees - If your memory serves you well
Old man - Neil Young - Harvest
The Wooden Sky* - Angels - If I don't come home you'll know I'm gone
Jason Collett* - Hangover Days - Idols of Exile
Samantha Savage Smith* - Tough Cookie - Tough Cookie
The Shins - New Slang - Oh, Inverted World
The Once* - Cradle Hill - Row upon row of the people they know
The Cracker Cats* - Yer sure purdy - Livin' on the run
The Details* - The Original Mark - The Original Mark EP
Arcade Fire* - Keep the Car running - Neon Bible

Elliott Brood* - Write it all down for you - Mountain Meadows
Plants & Animals* - Bye bye bye - Parc Avenue
The Fjords* - Breezy Day - self-titled EP
Frazey Ford* - Bird of Paradise - Obadiah
Whitehorse* - Emerald Isle - self-titled
Bob Dylan - Maggie's Farm - Bringing it all back home
The Mamas and the Papas - Go where you wanna go - California Dreamin'
Amelia Curran* - The Mistress - Hunter, hunter
Take me out - The Wooden Sky - City of Light EP
The Sunparlour Players* - If the creeks don't rise - Hymns for the happy
Ladyhawk* - I don't always know what you're saying - Shots

March 7th Songs by Crystal Clarke on Grooveshark

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Crystallize your Wednesday Mornings!

Crystallize your Wednesday Mornings!
Thanks to Olivia for creating this!